Atmore News

Blacksher loses heart-breaker to Chickasaw
By KATIE WIGGINS News Sports Writer The Chickasaw Chieftains made a comeback to beat the J.U. Blacksher Bulldogs 34-42 in Friday night’s game, October 13. Errors by the Bulldogs’ offense were a huge factor as to why Blacksher lost. Chickasaw had 14 penalties and Blacksher had only 4. The offensive captain was junior Chase Boone, while the defensive captain was senior Dillan Baldwin. Blacksher was able to capitalize on errors…
NHS winning float (with parade photo gallery)
Northview High School’s homecoming parade was held Friday, October 13, ahead of the game that night against Pensacola Catholic Crusaders. The senior class took the honors for the winning float in the parade. The theme was Roast the Crusaders. For more photos from the NHS homecoming, view our photo gallery. News photos by Ditto Gorme  
True colors
The Escambia Academy Cougar Pride Color Run was held Saturday, October 14. The walk / run featured a designated 5K course. During the race, participants were doused with color at various color stations ending with one final color celebration at the finish line. The turn-out was good for the first event of this kind at EA. Shown are participants at the end of the run. News photo by Ditto Gorme
Contract awarded for water project
A Citronelle contractor’s bid for major upgrades to the Freemanville water system was accepted last week by the Escambia County Commission. The project, funded primarily through a Community Development Block Grant, will provide improved sewer service, water flow and fire protection for residents of the community through the replacement of antiquated water lines, placement of new service lines and the addition of seven new fire hydrants. The commission accepted the $286,175 bid submitted by…