
Lions install new officers

Incoming president Renee Hardy, left, receives the gavel from outgoing president Chuck Brooks.
Lions officers, from left, Bub Gideons, Renee Hardy, Gregg Akins, Katrinka Phillips, Patty Davis, Kenny Smith, Anne Hetzel, Joyce Petty. Not pictured are John Brantley, Willie Hawthorne, Jennifer White, Kevin Garrett.

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club held its last meeting of June on June 21, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital.
President Lion Chuck Brooks presided and led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The main business of the day was the instillation of new officers for the 2023-2024 year. Those officers will officially take office on July 1. Officers are Renee Hardy, president; John Brantley, vice president; Gregg Akins, secretary; Katrinka Phillips, treasurer; Patty Davis and Kenny Smith, members at large; Anne Hetzel, marketing and publicity; Joyce Petty, service; Willie Hawthorne, Lion Tamer, Jennifer White, Tail Twister; Kevin Garrett, eyesight chairman.
Officers were installed by their fellow member who holds the Alabama state Lions office of District 34C Council Chair, Bub Gideons.
Other business included announcements that the Camp Smile service event will be held on July 20. We will not be cooking supper, but providing the lunch meal of Firehouse subs.
July 25 will be Camp Seale Harris where we will cook and serve chicken for the evening meal.
Alfredo Alvizo was officially pinned and welcomed as a new member of the Atmore Lions Club.
Because of the 4th of July holiday, the next meeting will not be held until July 19.