Note: The following announcement was submitted by the candidate.
I intend to qualify for re-election for Atmore City CouncilDistrict 5, where I have served in that office for the past 8 years. I was born in Atmore, and have lived here my entire life. My parents are Wayne and Barbara Harrison of Atmore. I have been married to Courtney, for 19 years, and we have 3 children, Meredith age 16, Harper age 13, and Riley age 11. I am a 1992 graduate of Escambia County High School, and Reid State Technical College. I have been employed by Tiger-Sul Products in Atmore for 19 years, and 13 years as the Transportation Manager.
We can’t focus on just things that are popular, but we must focus on all the needs of our city. I have strived to provide full support for all city departments, in order to have efficient government, fully equipped and well trained police, fire, street and sanitation, and all other departments of the City of Atmore.
My business experience for 19 years, and my experience as your councilman for the past 8 years, has provided me with the abilityto better serve you for the next 4 years.
I humbly seek your support and vote on August 25, 2020.