Staff and students share school highlights and goals
Students and staff at Escambia County High School recently shared the ECHS Newsletter with Atmore News.
Principal LaTonya Gill

Communication is the key to success in the school community. Therefore, we are committed to bringing you the ECHS News to keep you abreast of our road to success. So, we welcome you to our new way of communicating. Welcome to ECHS Pride Press, where the ECHS Chronicles keeps you in loop with the ECHS Scoop. We will keep bringing our school community together through different engagements, by creating partnership opportunities, and providing a variety of services. We welcome you to get excited and to learn about Pride. PRIDE is working at ECHS. The proof is in these chronicles from students, teachers, and staff members.
Student Imari Lemon

I think the thing that has improved the most in ECHS is definitely how much we are learning. Since the 24-25 school year started, we have implemented a new learning opportunity called P.R.I.D.E. It is a time we take during the day to get better in our core subjects, focusing on English, science, and math, especially.
Since the second semester started, we have added on to that, with our Wednesday P.R.I.D.E block schedule. This gives us 2 hour classes to really focus and get better in our core subjects. Also, I am glad that we have the addition of an ACT prep class, since it gives us tips and lets us practice for the ACT.
Student Tydarrious Hudson

I think this [year] ECHS has really improved in its education, especially since we have a principal who is working hard to ensure that this school goes from being a failing school to a passing one. They also improved the activities in our clubs compared to last year. We have been much more active and have participated more in events in and outside of school. They also introduced the Beta Club, which is the first Beta Club in ECHS history. Additionally, they introduced something new this year by dedicating an entire day to the ACT and WorkKeys.
Student news

Imari Lemon and Tevin Burt recently represented ECHS as they competed in the Southern Pine Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program! Ashley Parra Cerritos attended the luncheon with them to discuss her experience as a Youth Tour participant last year.
Imari and Tevin were selected to move forward to compete in Montgomery, for a chance to represent Alabama as they participate in an all expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C.!
Guidance Counselor Mrs. Pamela Robinson

The Escambia County High School Blue Devil family is actively building our PRIDE daily! When comparing our school climate survey from 23/24 to 24/25, students feel safer at school, feel more like they are a part of the school, and agree more strongly there is a teacher or adult at ECHS that really cares about them and believes they will be a success! We struggled with building clubs last year. However, this year has abounded with clubs and activities! Teachers and staff sponsor student led clubs, such as our Gardening and Drama clubs. We are proud of all of our Academic and Athletic Programs, as well as Clubs and Student Activities at ECHS. However, we are particularly excited about our new Youth Ambassadors, Peer Helpers, and Beta Clubs, as well as our newly energized community partnerships! We celebrate monthly student MVPs, as nominated by staff and faculty, as well as teachers through our Hall of Fame!
Administrative Assistant Mrs. Felicia Bishop

Parental Involvement at Escambia County High School has been an important focal point for the 2024-2025 academic school year. With the use of social media technology, we are able to connect with parents and the community through daily updates, announcements,
and student accomplishments at ECHS. An open door policy has created a positive and welcoming environment. We maintain the security of parents and community members who have passed background checks with Ident-A-Kid Management and are able to walk through the school with a visitor’s badge to engage in the learning experience. We have also created a space in our main office with a parental involvement desk and meeting area to service parents as needed. Escambia County High School is purposeful in providing opportunities in connecting with parents in our community through a variety of activities – including but not limiting to – our back to school open house, first annual Beta Club Induction, ECHS Ambassador Induction, an annual choir and band concert, and our first annual Christmas Extravaganza. These factors have provided a significant increase in parental involvement for 2024-2025 in comparison to the previous academic year.
Interventionist Mrs. LaShonda Marshall

Education is the key to success. When building that bridge, it takes all members of the school community. Therefore, at Escambia County High School, we take PRIDE in offering a new way of assuring that ALL students reach their full academic potential this 2024-2025 school year. Teachers are collaborating across all curriculum and including parents in making academic decisions for our students. Each day we have a Pride Intervention for all core subjects through Google Meet. On Wednesdays, we are providing intervention for academic growth on the Pre-ACT, ACT, and WorkKeys Assessments. Besides daily intervention, there are weekly data meetings: departmental, cross curriculum, athletic, senior cohort, and grade level. These data meetings provide an insight on the academic growth and challenges for all students. As a team, we are tracking the data so that we can strategically prepare to provide diverse instructional support, from bell to bell, to reach all learners. This occurs because we have the needed resources and instructional support from our administrative team. Escambia County High School is on the path to breaking academic records. We welcome you to come and join our PRIDE team!
Resource Officer Sergeant Gordon Brooks

With the assistance of Principal Gill and other staff members, the Escambia County High School has witnessed a discernible drop in incidents compared to previous year, despite the fact that school violence has been on the rise generally in recent years. Our metal detector and the ability to be visible in the classroom and hallways are two further instruments that have increased school safety this year. By preventing the entry of hazardous materials, the metal detector can help make schools safer for both employees and kids. But as the School Resource Officer, it is my responsibility to have a visible law enforcement presence in schools, assisting [in] emergency response, crime prevention, and fostering good connections with children.
Our Mission Statement
“The mission of Escambia County High School is to create a culture of “P.R.I.D.E.” being Prepared, Respectful, Involved, Disciplined, and Excellent.”
Our Mission
To our ECHS community, we want you to understand that it takes a village to work, to help our students strive for the top, to make students well-rounded, and to increase their knowledge in so many areas because “Knowledge is Power.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “The function of education is to teach one to think
intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true