Special to Atmore News
Atmore Lions Club met in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital on August 21. The meeting was called to order by president Lion Joyce Petty who also led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett gave the blessing. Guests introduced were Rachel Holland, Patricia Cross, Adrian Frye, Richard Maxwell, Andrew Garner, and Brian Piechocki.
Following lunch, Lion Petty collected ticket stubs and money for the Alabama / Auburn raffle which will benefit the Helen Keller Memorial. Tristan McAnally was installed as a new member by the president, who also presented Gregg Akins with a sponsor pin.
Taste of the South volunteer sheets were passed around.
Checks were presented to We Are Family Home Care by the club president and Lion Anne Hetzel, and to Boy Scout Troop 26 by Lion Joyce Petty and Lion Renee Hardy. Accepting checks for We Are Family was Patricia Cross, joined by Adrian Frye, and Richard Maxwell for Boy Scout Troop 26. Maxwell said the money has already been spent on a new roof, siding, and other renovations of the Scout Building.
It was announced that the Atmore Lions Club will be hosting the Lions Club District Cabinet Meeting on October 19 at Encore.
The next meeting will be September 4 with Doug Agerton as the speaker.