
Bye-bye Biden

Congressman Jerry Carl

On Sunday, Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection for the 2024 presidency. From day one, Republicans knew that Biden was not fit for the Oval Office. Throughout his term, Democrats and the media defended Biden at all costs, covering up what they have known all along –Biden was never fit to run our nation.
For the past year, I have predicted Biden will not be on the 2024 Democratic ticket, not only because of his mental decline but because his term has been filled with utter failure. Biden lets us down in so many ways. Nearly every necessity costs more, our greatest ally in the Middle East is under attack, and our border is in sheer chaos. My colleagues and I in the House passed numerous bills to fix this Administration’s failures, yet Biden continues to let us down.
Taxpaying Americans have felt the effects of three years of Biden the worst. Biden received an economy with a healthy 1.4 percent inflation rate. Fast forward three years filled with Bidenomics, and inflation has risen by 20.1 percent. Driving home from work, grocery shopping, traveling, etc. are costing Americans significantly more than they did during Trump’s presidency. While prices for necessities are skyrocketing, wages have only been cut. We cannot afford to have Biden for any longer.
Despite our greatest Middle Eastern ally being under attack by terrorists, Biden withheld aid as a form of appeasement. The pro-Hamas, Far-Left wing of the Democrat Party infiltrated college campuses nationwide, and Biden tolerated it. There is no room in our nation for a President who appeases to the wills of anti-Semitic groups. In the face of evil, Biden and his extremist followers stand against Israel, giving Hamas the green light to continue their attacks on the Jewish people.
In our nation, Biden makes us more vulnerable and less secure every single day. Our southern border is wide open, with illegals flooding in by the thousands. Just over the course of Biden’s term, we had over 9.7 million encounters with illegal migrants. Innocent lives, like Laken Riley, were taken by horrible people who were not even supposed to be here in the first place. Americans are tired of headlines reading of heinous crimes committed by illegals against our people. With Biden out of office, we must immediately enforce our border laws and restore our nation’s security.
If Biden admits he is unable to run for a second term, then he should resign immediately. He and his own party know he is unfit to serve, and it is only right for him to step down. Biden removing himself from the ticket was long overdue, but we must keep our focus on who we want to fix these Biden-created disasters. And that’s Trump. When Trump was our President, America was not in turmoil – we were on the right path. We must not stop fighting and supporting President Trump during this presidential race until he is sworn into office.