Atmore News

Lions meet
Nancy Karrick, left, and Renee Hardy Special to Atmore News The Amore Lions Club held its first meeting in June on June 5, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. President Renee Hardy called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the blessing.Richard Cavalieri and Brad Trotter were recognized as guests.Following lunch. Lion Hardy led a discussion about the…
Vickery pens new book on sales
Vickery News Staff Report Lou Vickery’s new book, Key to Sales Success … Winning the Head Game, launched June 7.Vickery and co-author Jay Barbera have over 70 years of combined sales training experience and have trained thousands of sales and marketing people.According to Vickery, sometimes the most challenging part of the entrepreneurial journey is believing they are worthy of the trip. For that reason, the first half of the book…
Poodle fun at the library
The Atmore Public Library’s first week of the summer reading program featured Michelle’s Magical Poodles – always a hit with the kids (and adults). Once the pups finished their tricks, the kids had a chance to pet them. The next three programs, all at 10 a.m., are the Wild West Rope Show, June 14; Animal Tales, June 21; Petting Zoo and Awards Day, June 28.