
Lions hear program on mental health

Anne Hetzel, left, and Leilani Mason

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club had a special Mardi Gras treat at their February 7 meeting at Amore Community Hospital’s Mayson Auditorium – a King Cake made by one of the club members.
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Renee Hardy who also led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and gave the blessing.
Members had another chance to sign up for the Gulf Coast Diabetes Walk at OWA on March 2, as well as make contacts for the March 9 golf tournament. Lions Council Chair Bub Gideons announced that Pete Crews will be taking over as District Governor, with the title District Governor Appointee. He urged members to attend the state convention in Sheffield in April.
Lion Anne Hetzel introduced Leilani Mason of Healthy Minds Consulting as our speaker, the topic being mental health and how therapy can help those in need.
The next meeting will be on February 21 at the hospital.