
First vice district governor visits Lions Club

Renee Hardy and Todd Dennison

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club met on January 17 in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Club President Lion Renee Hardy called the meeting to order, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and gave the blessing. Visitors were introduced and allowed to go first in the buffet line for lunch.
The speaker for the day was First Vice District Governor Todd Dennison from Mobile. Dennison explained the organizational structure of Lions from the International level to the local club level. He answered members’ questions on various topics and gave some input on the District Convention which has since been cancelled.
President Hardy reminded members about the diabetes walk at OWA and our responsibility in doing the set up for the event. March 9 was given as the date for the golf tournament, which is the club’s largest fund raiser.
Barbara Whatley, a teacher at Escambia County High School and the Leo sponsor, was recognized as being selected the ECHS Teacher of the Year.