
June’s blankets

June McClendon at the blanket giveaway Saturday

News Publisher

Sometimes people in crisis situations make promises to God. Sometimes the promise is kept, sometimes the promise is forgotten when the crisis passes.
Saturday, December 16, June McClendon made good on her promise.
Her story really begins earlier this year when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her life was already upside down as she was helping her husband battle cancer.
When June sought treatment for her brain tumor, the outlook was dim. She was told by doctors in Mobile that she might not come off the table if they did surgery.
She sought a second opinion at UAB and was told by doctors there, “We can do that.” Amazingly, there was little, if any, hesitation.
June asked the Lord to let her come home when she had surgery for the tumor. And she promised if He would do that, she would do something for children. She decided she wanted to make blankets for 50 kids. But she didn’t do that – she made 70 blankets. And last Saturday, she gave them away. By the way, the Lord honored her prayer – she came home in four days after surgery.
To get the blankets into children’s hands, she contacted four area daycare centers. Parents were asked to submit a request for their child to get a blanket.
Saturday, families were invited to come to McRae Street United Methodist Church, enjoy lunch, have their child’s picture taken with Santa and/or the Grinch, and take home a blanket. Knowing that children in daycare have brothers and sisters, June made sure she had something for them too so that no one went home empty handed. In some cases, there were special needs children who had blankets made especially for them.
Making the blankets this year was not without problems. June had Covid three times and fell behind, but thanks to a friend who helped her, she got the blankets done. Friends also helped load large bags containing blankets at June’s house and unload the dozens of bags of blankets at the church.
So now that the blankets are given away, what’s next? June said she’ll start over. Somehow, you have to think the promise to God will be fulfilled many times over.

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