
Lions take first place in Christmas parade

Working on the float, from left, Joyce Petty, Iyriel Munlyn, Anne Hetzel, Kenny Smith, John Brantley, Gregg Akins. Not shown are Renee Hardy, Patty Helton, and Nancy Karrick.
Stephen Van Pelt, left, and Brad Lowery

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club met December 6, 2023 in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Vice President John Brantley called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Kevin Garrett gave the invocation. Lion Stephen Van Pelt introduced Brad Lowery, administrator of Atmore Community Hospital, as our speaker. Lowery told members about plans for the new hospital and new services we might be able to expect in the future.
The next meeting, on December 20, will be held at the Methodist Church. Members were reminded about the diabetes walk at OWA in March ’24.
A group of Atmore Lions has been working on a snow globe float for the Christmas parade and have it finished ahead of schedule. Many thanks to Joyce Petty for her idea, inspiration, knowledge, and donation of supplies. At the conclusion of the parade, members were told the good news that our float won first place. Thanks to all who worked on the float, including one Leo from Escambia County High School.