
GECA auditions

Special to Atmore News

The Greater Escambia Council for the Arts will hold auditions for the upcoming radio drama, Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus onSaturday, December 16, 2 p.m., at the Greater Escambia Center for the Arts. 

If you have ever thought about getting involved, this is a good place to start. It will involve a smaller time commitment than a regular show. The show will be presented in conjunction with the Pride of Atmore at the newly renovated Strand theatre on December 29 at 7 p.m. Admission will be two nonperishable items for the local food pantry.  

Auditions for the second children’s show of the season, Twice Upon a Time, will be held Sunday, January 7, 2 p.m., at GECA. Children ages 6-18 may audition. All roles are speaking roles so children must be able to read to audition.

Show dates will be February 29, March 1-3.  

Auditions are held at the theater, corner of Trammell and Nashville (Highway 31).