
Lions all in for the Christmas parade

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club held its last meeting in November on November 15, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital. President Lion Renee Hardy opened the meeting, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and gave the prayer and blessing. Following lunch, members were encouraged to help with the Alabama Lions Sight eye exams at the Escambia County Health Department on November 17.
Joyce Petty was responsible for the program and her topic was the Christmas parade, especially the Lions Club float. A special tombola was held with all proceeds going to buy candy for the Christmas parade. Lion Willie Hawthorne was the winner and the $60 prize was donated back to the candy fund. Members are asked to help with the float on Nov. 28, 30, and Dec. 3.
The Gulf Coast Diabetes Walk at OWA on March 2 and volunteer possibilities for this walk which funds Camp Seale Harris were discussed with members urged to participate. The December 20 meeting will not be held at the hospital because of a prior commitment by the hospital. Members will be notified of the meeting location that day.