Students and parents in the HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) program took a field trip to Turtle Point Science Center recently. HIPPY Team Leader Vicki Bishop reported that Turtle Point Director Sierra Stiles made the day an awesome science adventure for the HIPPY families. Shown are, from left, front, Sheila and Truma Copenhaver, Avayah Mcilwain, James and Ziva Mcilwain, Emmett Wallace, Harold Stewart, Manny Gifford, Olivia Stewart and Layla Rollin; back, Charles, Autumn, Pamela and Lillian Clary, Beverly and Riley Haynie, Taylor Grace and Katie Odom, Kyle and Teresa Silcox, Jocie and Violetta Gifford, Shay and Lindsay Rollin, Stewart Turner, Vicki Bishop, and Teagan Smith.