When I was sworn in for my first term in Congress a little over two years ago, I worked hard to get on two great committees where I could serve our district well and do my best to make a difference in Washington. The two committees I was selected to serve on were the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee. I’m proud of the work we were able to do on both committees, despite it being my first term in Congress and Republicans being in the minority.
While I enjoyed my work last Congress, I now have the opportunity to sit on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, which gives me the ability to have a much greater say in how your tax dollars are being managed. It’s no secret there’s a lot of waste in Washington and our spending is out of control. That’s why it’s so important we have fiscal conservatives on the Committee working to reign in Washington’s spending. Each of the House Appropriations Committee’s twelve subcommittees will play a role in this, and I’m thrilled to be on three of them.
The Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee has jurisdiction over the Department of the Treasury, the District of Columbia, the Judiciary, the Office of the President, the IRS, and so many independent agencies such as the Federal Election Commission, the Small Business Administration, and the United States Postal Service. From my seat on this subcommittee, I will be able to have a say in how these agencies and offices are funded.
I’ll also be serving on the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. This subcommittee has jurisdiction over the Department of Agriculture, the Farm Credit Administration, the Food and Drug Administration (HHS), and much more. Agriculture is the largest industry in Alabama, and I look forward to serving our farmers, ranchers, and producers on the Ag subcommittee.
My third subcommittee is State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs. This is an important subcommittee that has jurisdiction over the State Department, foreign aid, and international trade. It’s so critical we have good folks on this subcommittee who are committed to ensuring American values are represented well around the globe and that we continue standing strong with our allies to promote freedom and prosperity for everyone.
Additionally, I’m thrilled to be staying on the House Natural Resources Committee, where I will continue working to promote offshore energy production, protect and expand land for recreational hunting and fishing, advocate for Alabama’s timberland, manage and sustain our oceans and fisheries, and oversee tribal lands.
I firmly believe my committee assignments for this Congress best fit the needs of our district and our state, and I’m already hard at work on your behalf. It’s truly an honor to serve you and be your voice in Washington.