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Traffic pattern at Atmore Urgent Care

This graphic shows the entrance and exit patterns at Atmore Urgent Care on Highway 21.

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In an interview Friday, September 2, Atmore Police Chief Chuck Brooks talked with Atmore News reporter Don Fletcher about the traffic flow at the new Atmore Urgent Care facility on Highway 21. The following information is taken from a recording of that interview.
As of now, traffic from either direction entering the urgent care parking lot turns into the southern driveway. All traffic leaves by the northern driveway. There is no left turn out of the parking lot onto Highway 21. Drivers wishing to go south (toward Atmore) have to go north first, then turn around in a safe place and head south. This pattern will change when the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) installs a traffic signal and signage.
“There’s not a traffic signal there now,” Brooks said. “It’s in the works for ALDOT to do that. There’s a lot of stuff that has to be ordered. A light will be there so drivers can turn left safely.”
Currently, traffic cones are in place to help drivers navigate the entrance and exit. In addition. Brooks said state troopers have been on hand, and he has stationed a police officer with lights on in the highway to slow traffic down.
“Right now, it’s a minor inconvenience,” Brooks said. “If people will be patient, it will get better. The way ALDOT has the pattern right now, and I agree, it’s the only way to get people in and out safely … Everybody is trying to do everything they can to make everything as safe as they can.”