Note: The following announcement was submitted by the candidate.
Former Atmore resident, Stephen Sexton, has announced his candidacy for the Republican Primary for Alabama Senate District 22, representing Escambia and Washington Counties, part of Baldwin County and the Cities of Mount Vernon, Satsuma, Saraland and Chickasaw in Mobile County.
A retired Army Chaplain and Iraq War Veteran, Stephen wants to serve the residents of Senate District 22. He is active in the Bay Minette area as Past President of the Lions Club, Serves as Post Commander of the Bay Minette DAV and a member of the VFW and American Legion. An active member of the Rabun Volunteer Fire Department and North Baldwin Chamber of Commerce. He is a graduate of the University of South Alabama. He is married to the former Brenda White of Brewton.
His campaign platform is built on reduction of taxes on the hard-working tax payers. Alabama tax revenue has grown over the past several years. With Inflation continuing to grow, it’s time Alabama give back to the people in the form of tax reductions. Ensuring small business owners and job producers are given the opportunity to thrive without undue tax burdens.
It’s time for a Lottery in Alabama. We are losing millions of dollars every month to surrounding states. Why let other states reap the rewards of the lottery when Alabama could use revenue to better infrastructure, improve the mental health community and helping Senior Citizens that are living from month to month and enhance the education system.
Parents must be allowed input into the educational process of their children. Parents working with teachers can have a positive outcome for our children’s future. Teachers can’t do it alone. Working together, students can be job ready or further their educational pursuits.
There must be NO TOLL on Alabama residents. Alabama is already paying a toll/tax every time we fill up at the pump.
It’s time for Alabama to stand against unlawful mandates from the Washington DC Swamp. Alabama must lead from the front, not a follower behind other states.
As a Conservative Republican that is for God and Country, defender of the 2nd Amendment, Pro Family, advocate for Term Limits, Now is the time for Leadership in Montgomery, that will be a citizen politician, Not a Professional Politician.
Follow Stephen on Facebook at “Elect Stephen Sexton Alabama Senate 22.”