Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met February 16, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital. In the absence of the president, Vice President Chuck Brooks presided. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, Lion Kevin Garrett gave the invocation.
Guests Karean Reynolds, Loumeek White, and Darryl North were introduced. Following lunch, Reynolds spoke to the group about the Atmore Community Alliance. The purposes of that group are to influence the community in a positive light, to inspire youth, and to create an effective path to the future. The group tackles issues affecting youth through a mentoring program, youth sports, and after school sessions which include tutoring, homework time, and internet usage. Reynolds commented that part of the cause for trouble with the youth is nothing is available or organized for them to do after school hours and they are working to alleviate that problem.
Lion Brooks reminded members about the golf tournament March 5, state convention April 28- May 1, and Mayfest on May 7. These activities offer many opportunities for Lions to live up to the Lions Motto of We Serve. Members also voted to make a donation to a family who has a child with cancer.
Twenty-four guests and members were in attendance.