Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held their first meeting of 2022 at the Atmore Community Hospital’s Mayson Auditorium on January 5. President Taylor Lee called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett gave the invocation / blessing.
Mattie Pickering from Camp Rap-a-Hope was introduced as the speaker. She explained that the purpose of the organization was to bring joy to families who have children with cancer. This includes outings and camp experiences for the child with or who has had cancer, one for their siblings, and also family gatherings. Lions have made generous donations to the group for many years and are doing so again this year.
New member Lion Sara Smith received her membership pin.
Lion Taylor reminded the group about the golf tournament on the first Saturday in March, spaghetti supper in April, and the state convention which will be held in Atmore April 29-May 1.