News Staff Report
The Escambia County Board of Education met in special session Monday, November 29, for the purpose of electing a board president and vice-president.
There were no “new business” items on the agenda. The following was the only item under “old business.”
“Pursuant to Ala. Code § 16-8-4, the board will meet in November of each year to elect a board president and vice-president. At board’s meeting held on November 18, 2021, the board failed to elect a new president due to two back to back tie votes while only six board members were present. The board chose to table this item for this meeting [November 29].”
Mike Edwards nominated Coleman Wallace. Danny Benjamin nominated Edwards. but Edwards declined the nomination. With no other nominations, Wallace was elected in a unanimous roll call vote.
When Wallace took the president’s seat at the head of the board table, he thanked the board for their confidence in him and said it is his desire to serve with integrity and to support the agenda of the superintendent [Michele McClung].
With that, Wallace called for nominations for vice-president.
For vice-president, Loumeek White nominated Danny Benjamin. Sherry Digmon nominated Cindy Jackson. In a roll call vote, Benjamin was elected with 4 votes – Edwards, White, Wallace and Benjamin. Jackson had three votes – Kevin Hoomes, Digmon and Jackson.
Benjamin thanked the board and thanked Jackson for her service as outgoing board president.
He then read the school system’s mission statement: “The Mission of the Escambia County School System is to provide engaging and comprehensive instructional programs that will enable our students to graduate college and/or career-ready.”
To this end, Benjamin said, “Our board must come together and unify our efforts.”
In other business the board approved the following personnel recommendations by the superintendent.
1. Angelia Wright, home bound teacher, Office of Special Education and Student Services, effective November 5, 2021
1. Lauren Kirn, teacher, Academic Recovery Response Plan After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective December 6, 2021
2. Tyler Parker, teacher, Academic Recovery Response Plan After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective December 6, 2021
3. Brittany Linam, teacher, Academic Recovery Response Plan After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective December 6, 2021
4. Helen Thomas, aide, Academic Recovery Response Plan After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective December 6, 2021
5. Shritha Johnson King, aide, Academic Recovery Response Plan After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective December 6, 2021
6. Patricia English, aide, Academic Recovery Response Plan After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective December 6, 2021
The next board of education meeting will be held Thursday, December 16, 4:30 p.m., at Escambia County Middle School, Atmore.