Nokomis man faces felony

News Staff Writer
A Nokomis man is free on $30,000 bond after his July 20 arrest on felony and misdemeanor animal cruelty charges.
Escambia County Detention Center records show that Larry Leslie Walker, 41, of a James Road address, near Nokomis, was arrested after a dead dog and four other canines, all starving and dehydrated, were discovered on his property.
Walker, who was released a day after his arrest, is charged with one count of aggravated cruelty to animals, a Class C felony, and four counts of misdemeanor cruelty to animals.
Under Alabama Criminal Code, a person commits felony animal cruelty if he tortures animals if he or she causes physical injury to an animal “by the infliction of inhumane treatment or gross physical abuse meant to cause the animal intensive or prolonged pain or serious physical injury, or by causing the death of the animal.”
Class C felonies are punishable by a prison sentence of at least one year and one day, and up to 10 years. A fine of up to $15,000 can also be imposed.
The misdemeanor cruelty charges are Class A crimes.
A conviction on such charges could result in a fine of up to $3,000 or not more than one year in the county jail, or both.
Sheriff’s reports show that deputies responded July 7 to a complaint about the condition of the dogs on Walker’s property.
They found a female German Shepherd puppy, which had no food or water in proximity to where it was tethered, dead.
Also discovered were four other shepherds — two adults and two puppies — that were tethered in such a way as to prevent them from reaching food, water or shelter.