Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its first meeting in July on July 7 at the Atmore Community Hospital.
The meeting was called to order by President Taylor Lee. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Lion Kevin Garrett gave the blessing. Visitors at the meeting were Maria Martin and her son Kaden, Sandra Brown, and Sara Smith.
Lion Candace Wooten introduced Maria Martin from Camp Seale Harris as our speaker. Martin reminded Lions that Seale Harris is the only camp for children with Type I diabetes in Southern Alabama and Northwest Florida. Members of the Atmore Lions will be at the camp later in July to cook and serve the campers supper. This gives Lions a chance to see the camp in action and how the children adapt to life with diabetes.
Lion Taylor reminded those who would be cooking for Camp Smile about details. She also mentioned several other opportunities for service to the community and passed around sign-up sheets. Members voted to participate in Taste of the South. It was reported that 175 pair of used glasses were taken to the drop-off point in Birmingham.