
Lions meet

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club met on Wednesday, April 21, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital.
Lion President Brandy Giger called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Nancy Karrick gave the blessing.
Visitor Alaina Hodges was introduced and had the honor of going through the serving line first.
It was reported that the Atmore Lions Club donated $3,000 to St. Jude, with the money coming from the recent spaghetti supper. A sign-up sheet to work at Mayfest was circulated. A discussion was held on purchasing and placing new Lions Club signs to replace lost or damaged ones, and sponsoring campers to Camp Seale Harris June 13-18.
Thirteen members were in attendance.