News Staff Writer
Atmore City Council members swept quickly through a light agenda during their Monday, March 8, meeting, tackling five items in about 12 minutes.
The city’s governing body chose delegates to the annual Alabama League of Municipalities meeting, approved a cancer awareness walk and a fundraising walk, began the solicitation of bids for five new police cars and paid homage to the men and women who fought in the jungles, plains and highlands of Vietnam.
Mayor Jim Staff read a proclamation honoring the sacrifice of veterans of the Southeast Asian conflict, America’s lengthiest and bloodiest war, and designating Sunday, March 28, through Saturday, April 3, as Vietnam Veterans Week in the city. Citizens are urged to display yellow ribbons on their “mailboxes, doors, and trees.”
The proclamation, is a prelude to National Vietnam Veterans Day, which is observed annually on March 29, and is usually issued at the council meeting preceding the local Vietnam Veterans Day celebration, hosted by Atmore Memorial VFW Auxiliary Post 7016.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s local observance — initially scheduled for Saturday, March 27 — has been postponed and will be held on a date to be announced.
Auxiliary President Gayle Johnson attended the meeting, accompanied by members Jenny Hutto and Arlene Delafosse. Johnson gave the mayor a roll of yellow tape for the city’s use in showing its support.
In other business, council members:
*Chose Shawn Lassiter (District 4) as Atmore’s voting member, Chris Harrison (District 5) as first alternate and Webb Nall (District 1) as second alternate for the ALM meeting.
*Approved the use of Houston Avery Park on October 16 for the Women of Distinction’s Breast Cancer Walk and Festival.
*Approved the letting of bids for five new police vehicles.
*Approved Main Street Atmore’s St. Patrick’s Day 5K run, which will be held Saturday, March 20. The run will begin at Heritage Park and end at The Publican on Ridgeley Street.
Vietnam Veterans Week Proclamation
WHEREAS, every March 29, Vietnam Veterans Day is set aside as a day for Americans to honor the courage and sacrifice of those who served in the Vietnam War.
WHEREAS, the Vietnam War is a story of service members of different backgrounds, colors, and creeds who came together to complete a daunting mission. It is a story of Americans from every corner of our Nation who left the warmth of family to serve the country they loved. It is a story of patriots who braved the line of fire, who cast themselves into harm’s way to save a friend, who fought hour after hour, day after day to preserve the liberties we hold dear. From Ia Drang to Hue, they won every major battle of the war and upheld the highest traditions of our Armed Forces.
WHEREAS, Thousands returned home bearing shrapnel and scars; still more were burdened by the invisible wounds of post-traumatic stress, of Agent Orange, of memories that would never fade. Our veterans answered our country’s call and served with honor; yet, in one of the war’s most profound tragedies, many of these men and women came home to be shunned or neglected – to face treatment unbefitting their courage and a welcome unworthy of their example. We must never let this happen again.
WHEREAS, today, we reaffirm one of our most fundamental obligations: to show all who have worn the uniform of the United States the respect and dignity they deserve, and to honor their sacrifice by serving them as well as they served us. The City of Atmore declares the week of Sunday, March 28, 2021 – Saturday, April 3, 2021 as Vietnam Veterans Week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jim Staff, Mayor of the City of Atmore, County of Escambia, State of Alabama, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the Municipal laws of the State of Alabama do hereby proclaim the week of March 28, 2021 through April 3, 2021, as Vietnam Veterans Week in the City of Atmore. I call upon all citizens of Atmore and surrounding communities and businesses to honor Vietnam Veterans throughout the week by displaying yellow ribbons on their doors, mailboxes, trees, etc. and recognizing Vietnam Veterans in other honorable ways and methods that comply with the current quarantine and social distancing requirements.
Signed by Mayor Jim Staff