NHS’s Carach lifts way into girls state match

News Sportswriter
Northview High School weightlifter Naudia Carach recently became the first NHS female in three years to earn a shot at the Florida High School Athletic Association Class 1A weightlifting title.
Carach, daughter of Sheena and Jacob Carach of Bratt, Fla., earned the opportunity by placing fourth at the FHSAA 1A regionals in Live Oak, Fla. on January 25.
Last Friday, February 12, Carach traveled back to Suwanee High School in Live Oak to compete for a state championship in both the bench press and clean-and-jerk categories. The NHS lifter placed 11th overall among more than 100 female competitors from across the state, a huge accomplishment for the senior athlete and her school.
“I am very honored and excited to be able to reach this milestone,” Carach said. “To be able to set the bar high, be an example and represent my school and team at the state level has truly been an honor. I set the personal goal as a freshman to make it to state, and it feels really good to be able to achieve that my senior year.”
Carach gave credit to her teammates, parents and coach for pushing her to be the best she can be and supporting her goals throughout her high school career.
“My parents, especially my mom, has sacrificed and given so much for me to achieve this,” Carach said. “They have always been there and made sure that I have had everything that I have needed to become successful. My coach, Natalie Nall (of Atmore), has always been the person to motivate me. A lot of kids do not have supportive parents and coaches, and I am blessed and thankful to have that in my corner.”
Upon graduating high school in May, Carach will start her career within the ranks of the United States Air Force, a decision driven mainly by her grandfather’s service in the U.S. Navy.
Carach explained that she is proud to be a role model for those teammates she will leave behind. She said she also wants to serve as proof that any of them can also achieve their goals.
Even though she did not place first in the state meet, Carach takes her 11th-place finish with pride and feels that she has achieved her goal of representing her team and school well.