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The Escambia County Board of Education meets Thursday, November 19, 4:30 p.m., at the Central Office in Brewton. That meeting will mark the end of an era as Chairman W.J. Grissett, District 5, ends his 24-year tenure on the board, the last 10 as chairman.
Loumeek White will be sworn in as the District 5 board member.
At the next meeting, the board will elect a chairman; Cindy Jackson, District 4, currently serves as co-chairman.
At last week’s meeting, the following personnel items were approved as recommended by Superintendent John Knott.
Leave of absence
1. Marvin Hollingsworth, 7-hour custodian, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, leave of absence under the Family Medical Leave Act, effective August 3, 2020 through October 2, 2020
1. Paula Ferguson, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective November 6, 2020
2. Ziah Young, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective October 2, 2020
3. Vicki Gulsby, special education teacher, Huxford Elementary School, effective November 3, 2020
4. Samuel Branden Barlow, law & public safety instructor, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective December 31, 2020
5. Joshua Lambeth, HVAC / electrician, Atmore Maintenance Department, effective November 2, 2020
1. Melanie Renfroe, 6-hour lunchroom worker, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective November 2, 2020 (replacing Carrissa Lee)
3. Annette Long, counselor, W.S. Neal High School, effective October 30, 2020 (replacing Lena Lindsey)
4. Jason Weeks, secondary curriculum and instruction supervisor, Escambia County Board of Education, effective November 30, 2020
5. Elizabeth Croley, bus driver, Atmore Bus Shop, effective November 2, 2020 (replacing Clarence Earl Weaver)
6.Stephanie Buitron, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County High School, effective November 3, 2020
7.Stephanie Adams, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County High School, effective November 3, 2020
8.Anna Wheeler, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County High School, effective November 3, 2020
9. Stephanie Spicer, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County High School, effective November 3, 2020
10.Casey Lodge, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective October 13, 2020
11.Britney Shelly, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective October 13, 2020
12.Brittany Revel, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective October 13, 2020
13.Gloria Hill, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective October 13, 2020
14.Andrella Nettles, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective October 13, 2020
15.Pat Rolin, bus driver, Title I After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective November 10, 2020