The Atmore Lions Club met on March 4, at Atmore Community Hospital in the Mayson Auditorium.
Lion President Bub Gideons called the meeting to order, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and gave the invocation. Lion Renee Hardy gave a report on the trip to Mobile to Camp Rap-a-Hope to serve food to cancer survivors and their families on the annual Family Day. Nine from the Atmore Lions Club made the trip to Mobile.
Lion Mallorie Beachy introduced Leilani Mason from Healthy Minds Consulting in Atmore. Mason told the group about what mental health is and how we can improve it in ourselves and in Atmore, and how the local Lions Club’s activities already support the mental health of many in Atmore and beyond.
Final instructions were given for the golf tournament which is coming up March 12 and for the district meeting the end of the month.