Servers at Buster’s Restaurant dressed up for Halloween – and had some fun with their bosses, Johnny and Julia Gibbs. Shown are, from left, Torie Gregson, lady bug; Sherry Lovell, Halloween critter lady; Emily Turner, Johnny Gibbs; Cayli Dowden, Julia Gibbs; and Lexy Smith, lady bug.

Fishing was just one of the games at the Presley Street Baptist Church Fall Festival. There was plenty of food, fun, fellowship, games, and prizes for everyone. In addition, they provided a great place for photos. James Bell is shown manning the fish pond.

Canoe Church held their second annual Halloween Trunk & Treat Thursday, October 31. Tables were laden with treats for everyone who came by, and hot dogs and drinks were available. Shown manning one of the treat tables are Heather Caraway, left, as Simon the Chipmunk, and Gina Black.