Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its first meeting of the month on Wednesday, August 7, at the Atmore Country Club.
President Bub Gideons called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Patty Davis gave the invocation.
The speaker for the day was 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Charlie Wigglesworth who was accompanied by his wife, Past District Governor Lion Claudia Wigglesworth. Lion Charlie spoke to the group about “Power to Make a Difference” and explained ways Lions can show others the power of belonging to an international organization such as Lions.
Committee reports were given on the Christmas meeting which will feature a history of the local club, an opportunity for an evening with the Bay Bears, food drive, Taste of the South, trash pick-up, pancake supper, and forming a Leo Club for area high school students.
In addition to the speaker and his wife, Brittany Flowers and Tom Tschida were visitors.