Glenn Wills sees a side of Alabama that most of us give just a passing glance. He brought his view of the state to the Atmore Public Library Friday, February 16.
Wills has published two books – Forgotten Alabama and More Forgotten Alabama. He travels the state and photographs the old signs, the abandoned churches, the once proud landmarks that now lie in ruins.
As Wills showed his power point presentation of stark black and white photographs, he also gave the history of each subject – or at least as much as he has been able to find out.
By the way, his travels are not random. Wills has mapped out a grid of the state and methodically covers each area, unless he gets wind of a subject of interest and then he’s off to check it out. And sometimes as he travels, something catches his eye, and he stops with camera in hand.
When he finished his presentation at the library, Wills was off to Wade Cox’s Westside Salvage on Highway 31 to check out the rolling jail. Maybe the jail will make it into a future book.