The public is invited to not only view an anticipated two dozen or more race cars, classic cars or trucks, and partially restored “Rat Rods” that will be on the lot at 108 North Carney Street on Saturday, but to help choose which three of those vehicles will take home top honors.
The second Tedders Auto Repair Car Show, proceeds from which will be used for buying toys and gifts for needy families at Christmas, will get under way at 8 a.m. There is no admission charge, and free water, soft drinks, chips and Little Caesars pizza will be served.
Bubba Tedder said attendance at last year’s inaugural show, for which 19 car owners paid $25 each to enter their rides, was less than it should have been because many folks confused the entry fee with an admission charge.
“We want to make sure everybody knows that it’s free,” Tedder said. “We had a lot of people come by last year (during and after the show) and said they had wanted to look at the cars but they didn’t have the $25 per car to get in. That’s just for the ones trying to win the trophies; it doesn’t cost anything to look.”
The bigger the crowd, the wider the vote spread among the entries.
“The people who come to look are the ones that do the voting,” said Tedder. “The three cars with the most votes will win the trophies.”
Money that was raised at last year’s car show helped allow the children of several local families to receive toys and other small gifts that brightened what would have been a bleaker holiday otherwise.
“We helped seven families last year,” said Cindy Tedder. “We did pretty good on the car show, and we had some people donate toys and money to help out. We were proud we could help that many families and we hope to be able to do more this year.”
For more information on the car show, to enter the show, or to find out more about the Christmas program, call Bubba or Cindy Tedder at 228-265-4903 or visit teddersautorepair on Facebook.