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Court docket set

The Twenty-First Judicial Circuit Criminal Docket has been set for June 12 through June 16 jury term.

Courtroom one
Jaquan Monte Powell, trafficking – cocaine; Shelton Forney, trafficking –synthetics; Pete Anthony Jimenez, TOP 2nd, RSP 1st x 4; Roman David Peirce, sex abuse child <12; Taconius Stallworth, UPCS; Benton Bell, trafficking – meth, RSP 2nd, RSP 1st, Crim. use defense spray; Lee Ernest Watson, UPCS; Joseph Montreal Kiser, UPOM 1st; Estella Curry, murder; Jennifer McCall, UPCS x 2, att-murder; Jabarie Arnold, drug trafficking x 2; Woodie Carroll, Jr., DV strangulation;
Otis McGhee, public intoxication; Jeffery McCants, willful child abuse; Leon Devon Salter, UPCS; Fredrick Everette, UDCS; Tommy Bryant, DV –strangulation; Prince Devonte Grace, UDCS, UPCS; Michael Crenshaw, crim. neg. homicide; Alarick Jamal Watson, UPCS; Dennis Dean Sothman, chem.endang / child; Rodesia Turner, att-murder; Phyllis Ward, TOP 2nd; Dillon Anthony, burglary 3rd, burglary 1st; Brittany Bowlen, TOP 2nd; William Smith, UPCS; Jim Jones Smith, att-CS crime; Michael Ray Jackson, TOP / fraud. leasing; Marguita L. Peterson, hindering prosecution; Don Richardson, assault 2nd; Guy Coleman Wynn, UPCS x 2; Jimmy Lee Williams, B/E vehicle; Sedrick Devon Brown, UPCS; Ledon Hall, SORNA violation;
Chrissie Watson, SORNA violation x 2; Clinton Eugene Watson, SORNA violation; Kevin Lee Dean, SORNA violation; Anthony Dale Rolin, UDCS x 3; Jamarco Demetries Reid, inmate poss. cell phone; David Lovorn Johnson, II, TOP 1st x 3; Robert Chad Hazley, trafficking; James Hamilton Scott, murder; Justin M. McGhee, UDCS x 2, UPCS; Dwight Lamkins, att-murder; Camerson Ray Cosby, TOP 2nd; Kimberly Mason, UPCS; Nancy Stuckey Odom, UPCS; Melissa Dana Peebles, UPCS; Leslie Duke, UPCS; Tonya Yvonne Lee, TOP / fraud leasing; Edward Smith, UMCS; Aaron Lee Hicks, SORNA violation x 2; Stacy O’Neal Johnson, SORNA violation;
Scott Cumbie, UPCS; Fred Douglas Clark, Jr., inmate poss / cell; Samuel Lee Bostie, UPCS; Ursha Kathina McDonald, assault 2nd; Damien Kyron Mosley, consp-UDCS; Alvin D. Cunningham, UPCS; Patrick Henry, trafficking – cocaine; Antonio Gardner, burglary 3rd; James Nicholas Jordan, UMCS; Edmund Jerod Lee, PPC 2nd; Leonardo Deon Moye, att-murder; Thomas D. McNeal, burglary 1st; Darryl Allen Boyd, TOP 1st; Michelle Annette Jones, TOP 1st; Reginald Johnson, burglary 1st; Scottie Dale Robinson, UPCS; Nicole Sheree Caffey, identity theft; Jennifer Colbert, burglary 2nd; Tristen Cole Neal, drug trafficking; Ashlyn Kilpatrick, trafficking – synthetics; Amy Keonshaye Lane, robbery 1st; Sharmanita Boykin, TOP 2nd; Emanuel Raheem Nared, TOP 2nd;
Michael Colten Adams, UDCS, burglary 3rd; Amanda Dawn Dubose, UPCS; Patricia Ann Summerlin, RSP 1st; Jermain Lavelle Smith, burglary 3rd; Robert F. Titus, UPOM 1st; Willie Dortch, poss. altered firearm; Anthony Cherry, UPCS; Curtis Jackson, TOP 2nd; Lakeith Reynolds, shooting into occ. vehicle; Donnie Gene Seamon, UPCS; Shelia Hammac Holland, ill. poss. credit card; Wilma Alana Jackson, UPCS x 2, UDCS; Darren Knighten, UDCS; Stephen McCurdy, UPCS; Tiara Williams, shooting into occ. bldg.; Jonathan Redden, UPCS; John Zachary Cline, DV 2nd (burglary); Adrian Pritchett, att-CS crime; Steven Lloyd Billiot, att-murder; Jeffrey Jerone Harris, att-CS crime; Ashley Bryant, assault 2nd; Randy Dewayne Fretwell, UPCS w/intent;
Nathan D. Exline, B/E vehicle; Larry Wayne Barlow, UPOM 1st; Terry Lee Walker, UDCS, TOP 3rd; William B. Henry, harassment; Johathan Mullins, UPOM 2nd; Luis Barragan, PCS x 2; Tabitha Faye Boutwell, att-murder; Edward Darryl Fountain, SORNA violation; Maegan Gilchrist, fraud. use credit card; Yeldon Rostchild, robbery 1st; Kresmenski Finklea, RSP 3rd, assault 2nd; Curtis Hayes, UPCS; Angela Daye Jossey, ID theft; Randell Fred Boehinger, RSP 1st; Joel Danny Salter, UPOM 1st; Tawaika Chantel Rolin, escape 1st; Stephen McCurdy, UPCS; Demetrius America, escape 1st, forgery 3rd; Dusty Candeania Wooten, theft / fraud, leasing; Richard Santez Frye, att. elude; William Nelson Davis, UPCS.

Courtroom Two
Thomas Robinson, TOP 2nd; Ryan Drummond, UPCS; Christopher Fretwell, UPCS; Daphne Powers, UPCS; Ronda Scott, dist. / sell drugs to minor; Angelia Trawick, theft by fraud. leasing; Wilbur Williams, theft by deception 2nd; Adam Cozart, UPCS; Scotty Hammac, trafficking; Allen Anderson, robbery 1st; James Baxley, UMCS; Gary Heathcock, TOP 1st; Lolita Thomas, UPCS; Jessica Rigsby, UPCS; Jessica Carroll, TOP 2nd x 2; Lynn Carmichael, UPCS;
Jerry McCraney, DV strangulation; Kevin Braswell, theft by deception 2nd; Dexter Biggs, UPCS; William Brandon Aaron, UPM 1st; Dawn Johnson, UPCS; James B. Lykes, UPCS; Joel Lewis, Jr., unemploy comp; Lalanda Luckett, inmate poss. of cell phone; Duane Wiley, TOP 2nd; Christopher Magee, UPCS w/intent to dist.; David Price, UPCS; Rasco Shoemaker, assault 3rd; Daniel Jones, UPCS; Emmett Weaver, UDCS; Claude Crenshaw, UDCS, UPCS; Dashia Shavers, TOP 3rd; Matthew Wallace, UJPCS; Christopher Hosford, obstruct. justice; Darryl Nolan, DUI – felony; Frances Lee, UDCS; Tracy Sellers, UPCS; August Orso, UPCS;
Curtis McCants, UPCS; Edward Barnett, UPCS; Brandie Billiott, hindering prosecution; Rachel Stobbs, identity theft; Sunceree Bledsoe, UUCC; Jantzen Christopher, trafficking; Cynthia Fargo, UPCS; Steven Holley, UPCS; Tickeyah Jones, obstruct. justice; Jamie Vidas, TOP 3rd; Eugene Wallace, TOS 2nd; Daniel Brown, inmate poss. cell phone; Roy Cook, theft of lost property 3rd; Emmitt Jones, III, burglary 1st, pistol – certain persons; Rodderick Lee, burglary 1st; Karen Metts, UPCS; Willie Scott, pistol – certain persons; Robert Ward, UPCS; Marcus Reid, UPCS; Earle Dailey, assault 2nd; Tiffany Burkett, UPCS; Laura Spicer, identity theft; Marcia Freeman, theft by fraudulent leasing;
Marandis McCollum, hindering prosecution; Candice Stevens, theft by fraudulent leasing; Jasper Scott, theft by fraudulent leasing; Richard Brown, escape 1st, assault 1st; Donna Godwin, TOP 1st; William Travis Aaron, UBEV; Lenson Bethea, TOP 1st; Kermeny Benjamin, UBEV; Lee Carter, pistol – certain persons; Matthew McGhee, sex abuse; John Dawson, sex abuse; Dawn Watson, UPCS; Anthony Lovelace, UPCS; Lindsey Miller, criminal mischief 1st; Ernest Walker, Jr., RSP 1st; Johnny Few, UPCS; Shane Kendall, RSP 1st; Amber Bradford, UPCS; Curtis M, Capers, UPCS; Willie McNeal, burglary 3rd; Donald Clark, bringing stolen property; John Townson, theft by fraudulent leasing; Kimkeisha Barrett, att to commit a CSC x 2.

B/E – breaking and entering
CL – criminal littering
CM – criminal mischief
CNA – Community Notification Act
CSC – controlled substance crime
DUI – driving under influence
DV – domestic violence
LSA – leaving the scene of an accident
PPC – possession prison contraband
RA – resisting arrest
RSP – receiving stolen property
SORNA – Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
TOP – theft of property
TOS – theft of services
UBEV – unlawful breaking and entering vehicle
UDCS – unlawful distribution of controlled substance
UMCS – unlawful manufacture of controlled substance
UPAA – unlawful possession anhydrous ammonia
UPCC – unlawful possession of credit card
UPCS – unlawful possession of controlled substance
UPDP – unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia
UPFI – unlawful possession forged instrument
UPOM – unlawful possession of marijuana
UUCC – unlawful use of credit card