Bo Brantley, left, with WoodmenLife, presents the American History Award to Andrew Howell.Bo Brantley, left, with WoodmenLife, presents the American History Award to Gaines TannerMr. and Miss EA – Ryan Johnson and Bailey LancasterEA’s Teacher of the Year Julianna Hardy, left, receives gift basket from SGA officers Bailey Lancaster, Jackson Breckenridge, Carson Barnett.On behalf of WoodmenLife, Bo Brantley, left, donated a new American flag to EA. Headmaster Wade Heigle accepted for the school.
Above, Mitzi Fitzpatrick, far left, was part of the EA office for many years. Below, Blaine Chastang, far right, EA board member and EA alumni, talks about her years of service as he and Headmaster David Walker prepare to present her with a plaque of appreciation.