The Monroeville Section Royal Rangers recently held their annual Ranger Kids Field Day at Atmore First Assembly of God Church. Boys and commanders from the following churches participated: Atmore First Assembly, Appleton First Assembly, Renovations Ministries Church in Huxford, and Liberty Baptist Church in Pineview.
The theme this year was Honoring Our Military, and the verse was Joel 2:11: The Lord gives voice before His army.
Every participant received a patch to go on their uniform.
Shown are the Royal Rangers, from left, front, Canaan Davis, Eliah Hall, Holden Bell, Andrew Marez, Nathan Boutwell, Jett Tillery, Logan Diller, Mason Yuhasz, Chaz Odom, Easton Norton, Zac Pennington, Garrett Yuhasz, Eli McGhee, Cameron Bryan, Eli Norton, Rett Parish, Carlos Bernal; back, Kyle Parish, Sgt. 1st. Class Patrick Semien from the U.S. Army, Terry Smith, Josh Hall, Travis Godwin, Pastor Keith Lisenby, Shawn Yuhasz, Jolene Yuhasz, Wendell Richburg (Ret.) U.S. Army, Michael McGhee, Brad Wilson, Staff Sgt. Daniel Dyer U.S. Army, Michael Diller, Chris McGhee, Josh Davis and David Parish.