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Lassiter makes early declaration of mayoral candidacy
Lassiter By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer District 4 Atmore City Councilman Shawn Lassiter, who is slated to take over as interim mayor on June 1, announced this week that he will seek the office on a permanent basis in the August 26 municipal election.“I know it’s early, but I wanted to go ahead and get it out there, let people know that I intend to run for mayor,” Lassiter said…
No parole for E. Brewton woman who allowed men to sleep with young girls
By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer Alabama Board of Pardons & Paroles members denied parole for an East Brewton woman who was convicted in 2020 of allowing several men to have sex with a 12-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl who were under her care.The board also rejected parole for a Flomaton man serving a life sentence and another man who was convicted on a charge of trying to smuggle an…
Felony arrests
Meth possession charge for women who tried to shoplift clothing By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer The following felony arrests were reported by officers of the Atmore Police Department (APD) during the period February 24-March 1:Glenna McCombSheryl Tuele McComb Tuele The Pensacola, Fla. women were arrested March 1 on a felony drug possession charge after they tried to leave Walmart wearing clothing that had not been purchased, from which the price…
BOE meets in special session
Video of meetings available on board website News Staff Report The Escambia County Board of Education met in a short called meeting Monday morning, March 3,  at the Brewton Central Office. The two agenda items were approved unanimously. The Board * awarded a network equipment bid to KAM Technologies for network switches. Erate project cost is $144,583.03 (District portion is $28,916.61-paid from A & T funds). (Erate is a program…