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Fountain addresses Lions Club
Hugh Fountain Special to Atmore News Atmore Lions Club President Joyce Petty called the February 5 meeting at Atmore Community Hospital to order. She led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and said the prayer.Lion Brett Helton introduced the guest speaker, Coach Hugh Fountain. Following lunch, members discussed volunteer opportunities at the District Convention of Lions to be held in Atmore February 22. They were also asked to mark…
Walnut Hill, Brewton men big winners at Peanut Trade Show
Gaylan Shelly, center, was all smiles as he and two KMC reps displayed the voucher. Allen Mininger (at right) accepts the Benelli shotgun from a trade show official. Special to Atmore News Allen Mininger of Walnut Hill, Fla., and Gaylan Shelly of Brewton were big winners during the January 30 Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show, held at Dothan’s National Peanut Festival fairgrounds.Mininger, whose name was pulled as the winner of a…
RP Star Students
The Rachel Patterson Elementary School Star Students for January are, from left, first row, Brooklyn Staples, Tydarious Curry-Sims, Zoey Webb, AB Morales, Amina Smith, Zamaria McNeal, Kingston Woods, Londyn Riley; second row, Sha’Niyah Hurst, Jakaylia Forney, Treasure Jones, Fettler Harris, Tyrell Waddell, Aubree Robinson, Jacob Rice, Aiyana Bowens; third row, Zaya Henderson, Melvin Gibbs, Alexander McMillan, Maison Curry, Royal French, Tyler Brown, Maurice Beaver, KaMeria Sillar. Not pictured are Ahmod…