EditorialSubmitted Article

Serious about corruption? Investigate the Bidens
Speaker Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and their Democratic colleagues have spent countless hours and taxpayer dollars to find evidence that President Trump was involved in corruption. At the same time, Democrats refuse to even consider the fundamental issue at hand – was President Trump right to question the activities of Hunter Biden in Ukraine? Months ago, media reported Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. But, once impeachment began, the mainstream media moved…
Star Chamber impeachment driven by Trump hatred, not American values
An abusive, unlawful practice of the English courts from the 15th to 17th centuries was so rampant and unfair that protections against it were written into our U.S. Constitution. This hated and feared practice took place in the Star Chamber. The creators of the Star Chamber described it as a tool to stamp out corruption and seek justice for those in English society who were so powerful that no ordinary…
To fight impeachment, Republicans must get off the sidelines
For weeks, Democrats have been holding secretive impeachment proceedings behind closed doors, out of sight of the American people. Chairman Adam Schiff of the House Select Committee on Intelligence has been interviewing witnesses in a restricted area deep beneath the Capitol in a small room called a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, known as a SCIF. The SCIF is specifically designed for classified briefings and other extremely sensitive committee business, not…
How do you solve a problem like Syria?
Recent developments in Syria highlight the need for the United States to revisit its broader Middle Eastern policy. Early last week, I joined a small meeting of House Republicans for an update on Syria from Secretary of Defense Mark Esper where he discussed a phone call from President Erdogan of Turkey to President Trump. During that call, Erdogan notified President Trump that after years of waiting at the Syrian border,…
Congress must investigate the escalating Biden scandal
While Democrats recklessly intensify their partisan scheme to impeach President Trump, the Biden scandal has escalated to a level Congress can no longer responsibly ignore. As more details come out regarding Hunter Biden’s business dealings overseas, their connection with actions taken by his father, Joe Biden, in his official capacity as Vice President raise new questions that must be answered. For example, we have learned that Hunter Biden accompanied his…