EditorialSubmitted Article

The New Way Forward Act is an assault on our borders
A clear warning of how far to the extreme left the Democratic Party has moved is the recently introduced New Way Forward Act. This immigration bill would totally uproot the rule of law, provide amnesty for illegals here, and import dangerous criminals into the United States. By allowing foreign citizens who committed serious felonies to stay in our country, all Americans would be at risk. And by granting new rights…
President Trump has the best week of his administration
Last week was President Trump’s best since moving into the White House. After giving a well-received State of the Union address, the President was acquitted by the United States Senate, announced the killing of a major terrorist, and received a great jobs report. On the other hand, Democrats suffered several significant embarrassments. It began Monday at the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses. Despite months of work to manufacture enthusiasm, Democrats experienced extremely…
Fighting to keep the state of the Union strong
This week is one for the history books as President Trump gives his State of the Union address only hours before he is acquitted of impeachment in the Senate. There could hardly be a greater contrast between work being done for the American people and a sham scheme to prevent it. The President can tout remarkable achievements over the last year despite unprecedented obstruction from Democrats afraid of his success.…
Impeachment is nothing to smile about
For three years now, the American people have been forced to endure the efforts by Democrats and the liberal mainstream media to impeach President Trump and remove him from office in the face of his clear electoral victory in 2016. They have tried everything, from a needless Special Prosecutor investigation, which resulted in nothing, to an Adam Schiff-coached whistleblower who admitted he had no firsthand information and relied on news…
With Soleimani dead, the world is safer
You may not have known his name, but the most dangerous man in the Middle East has finally received justice for a lifetime of brutality. Before being taken out by an American airstrike, Iranian General Qasem Soleimani was a Major General in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and commander of its extra-military, clandestine Quds Force. He left his stain on this world by organizing, training and leading terrorist groups across…