EditorialSubmitted Article

The problem with Biden’s proposed $15 Federal minimum wage
Congressman President Biden has said one of his top priorities is creating new jobs and “growing the economy for all Americans.” One way he seeks to do this is by increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour between now and 2025. The unfortunate reality is such a move would result in significant increases in unemployment for younger and less educated workers who typically work entry-level minimum wage jobs,…
Democrats’ bad budget deal
Congressman Jerry Carl Last week, House Democrats passed a budget resolution that provides them with a framework to pass a budget without input from a single Republican, even though Republicans have repeatedly demonstrated that we are willing to come to the table and work together in a bipartisan fashion for the good of the American people. Congress has yet to hold even a single committee hearing on a budget, and…
President Biden’s war on oil and gas
Congressman Jerry Carl President Biden enacted a flurry of new executive orders last week, further cementing his decision to bypass working with Congress on any meaningful legislation. After cancelling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline on his second day in office – a decision which will destroy American jobs and drive up the cost of energy – Biden has continued waging war on the American oil and gas industry.…
2020: A year of lessons
Ben Smith 2020 finally came to a close. Many welcome the turning of the calendar in hopes of better fortune in the year ahead. My family’s year didn’t go how we planned, but how many years do? While I do not make New Year’s resolutions, I do try and take the lessons learned and apply them in the future. The first lesson of 2020 is to never take things for…
Thank you
Bradley Bryne U.S. Congressman This is my last weekly report as your Congressman. Serving you in Washington these last seven years has been a great honor and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity you have given me. I never once walked out on the floor of the House of Representatives when I wasn’t in awe that I was there to speak and vote for you. I leave Congress…