EditorialSubmitted Article

What a beautiful morning – I think I’ll go kill something
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Driving through the heart of Alabama recently I saw more than a few big pickups with dog crates in the beds. Hunting season. I don’t hunt. At least not any more. I used to hunt, but I never worked to become good at it. I’m sorta like the old preacher who was such a poor shot that he quit hunting. For him it was a…
A bipartisan vote to stand with Israel
By Congressman Bradley Byrne The United States has no stronger ally than Israel. Our relationship has always been strong, both economically and militarily. Israel plays an especially important role in helping us combat radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. In other words, Israel serves as a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity in a very dangerous part of the world. That is why support for Israel has always been…
Reach out for help – Reach out to help
I watched a video today. Seems innocent enough, in today’s world. We all watch some sort of video on social media with our phones in hand. However what I watched today was disturbing to say the least. You see, in this video a young lady documented her death. She had taken her own life in this video. This incident took place in Georgia and in the grand scheme of things…
All the news that’s fit to fake
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson The biggest thing in the news lately has been fake news. Or as the more simple among us calls it, lies. Now I am not talking about satire – the things people make up to be funny while at the same time make you think, which you might not want to do, but if you read good satire you can’t help but think. If it…
Five things to watch in 2017
By Congressman Bradley Byrne In 2017, Republicans will have control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. This is a rare situation that has happened only 16 times the past 100 years. Under a unified Republican government, there is great potential for important reforms. Here are five areas where I hope to see progress in 2017: 1. Health Care Relief – Far too many American families…