CommunityAtmore News

Royal Rangers attend camp
Royal Rangers Outpost 63 from Atmore First Assembly of God attended the Alabama District Pow Wow April 23-25, in Springville, Ala. The boys / young men participated in tomahawk and knife throwing, .22 and shotgun shooting, zip line, rappelling, geocaching and many more fun activities. Each morning started with a devotion and each night they had preaching. Royal Rangers is a boys / young men ministries kindergarten through 12th grade,…
Lions meet
By NANCY KARRICKSpecial to Atmore News The Atmore Lions Club met on Wednesday, April 21, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital.Lion President Brandy Giger called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Nancy Karrick gave the blessing.Visitor Alaina Hodges was introduced and had the honor of going through the serving line first.It was reported that the Atmore Lions…
First Chamber Foundation grant awarded to Women’s Resource Center
Attending the grant presentation were, from left, Brandy Giger, Goldie Huber, Phyllis Brown, Beverly White, Linda Bumann,Teresa Nichols, Linda Smith, Emilee Waters, Breiah Adams, Anna Norton, Erin Hankins and A.J. Beachy. By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer If there’s one word that best describes Linda Smith, it’s “grateful.” And Smith, executive director for Women’s Resource Center of Escambia in Atmore, has plenty for which to be grateful these days.For starters, the…
UF drive begins
Phil Johnson, left, with GECA and host Foster Kizer, with Pride of Atmore, in heavy discussion News Staff Report The United Fund kick-off was held Thursday, April 22, at Royal Oaks Bed & Breakfast. The kickoff is usually held in October, but because of the pandemic, the UF board decided to hold it in April.Past President Andrew Garner thanked everyone who attended and said the UF board was excited for…