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Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Well, folks, the 2018 political year has begun and all of the horses are in the chute. It is going to be a good year for horse races. Perennially, the year of the governor’s race has been the best year for Alabama politics. Historically, most Alabamians have been more interested in who they elect as governor than who is president. However, we have really been more interested…
Artists shine at ECHS
Students at Escambia County High School recently participated in a school art contest. Winners were selected from various categories, and their artwork will be sent to the Escambia County Youth Art Show for display and judging. The following were judged the top three: first place – Adrienne Tedder; second place – Da’Lorne Taylor; third place – ShaDiamond Harris. Participants in the art contest are Tatyana Davis, Shania Finklea, Taylor Gray,…
ECMS artists’ work on display
Students at Escambia County Middle School recently held a school art contest. Winners were selected from various categories, and their artwork will be sent to the Escambia County Youth Art Show for display and judging. The following students will have work displayed: Ariyana Young, Alexis Hayles, and Akyrah Bradley. Two dimensional work can be viewed at the Brewton Area YMCA and three dimensional work and photography will be exhibited at the Brewton…
A walk to remember
By Nina Keenam I found some notes relating to a sandy bayside walk with my husband tucked among yellowing newspaper clippings. I have done that through the years –scratched out just enough words and phrases to help me recapture times I want to remember. That day, we strolled on dry, white sand beside a lake to the wet, gray shore of a bay where the tide was out. A silvery…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers As the June primaries for our statewide races get closer, there is a lot of media attention and stories written about the power being wielded by special interests, PACs and big money. They focus on the large amount of cash and influence being bet on the horses for governor and the legislature. The Business Council of Alabama and ALFA are getting prepared to protect their friends and…