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Nokomis Baptist holding VBS
Registration is this Saturday, July 8, 10 a.m. to noon, for Nokomis Baptist Church Vacation Bible School. Bring your children to the church and sign up. Lunch will be served and children will enjoy face painting, games, cake walks and other activities. Vacation Bible School will be held Monday through Wednesday, July 10-12, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., for ages 3 through 14. VBS Commencement will be held Sunday, July…
Scout fun day planned
Amanda Gibbs of Boy Scout Troop 26 and Cub Scout Pack 275 is sponsoring a Scout Family Fun Day on July 22 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Boy Scout Hut and Ball Park on Carney and Craig streets. You’re invited to join them for lots of fun and activities. There will be displays showing what scouting is about, an information booth to answer your questions about scouting…
Absentee voting for US Senate special election
The following information was provided by John Robert Fountain, Escambia County Circuit Clerk. Any qualified elector may vote an absentee ballot by mail or in person at the absentee election manager’s office, if he or she makes an application in writing not less than five days prior to the election and meets one of the following requirements: The person will be out of the county or the state on Election…
Join the Arbor Day Foundation in July – Help national forests
Forests across America are a prized natural resource, and anyone can help plant trees in these vital areas by joining the Arbor Day Foundation this month. Through the Replanting Our National Forests campaign, the Arbor Day Foundation will honor each new member who joins in July by planting 10 trees in forests that have been devastated by wildfires, insects, and disease. The cost for joining the Arbor Day Foundation is…