Sherry Digmon

‘Tom Sawyer’ opens this week
The curtain opens on Tom Sawyer this week as the Greater Escambia Council for the Arts presents the popular production. Show dates are Thursday through Saturday, March 1 through 3, 7 p.m. each night, and Sunday, March 4, 2 p.m. Tickets, available at Atmore News and at the door, are $10 for non-members and $7 for GECA members. Please note: Discounted tickets (member prices) are for immediate family members only.…
Valentine’s Day at the SAIL Center
Valentine’s Day was celebrated in a big way at the Atmore SAIL Center last week. PeeWee Powell, Chipper Staff, John Dorriety, and others fried fish and chicken for lunch. David’s Catfish supplied Cole slaw. Mayor Jim Staff provided four tee-shirts – two for the Center’s staff and two for door prizes. The shirts are the #DiscoverAtmore shirts that are part of the Chamber of Commerce initiative to promote Atmore. Another…
‘Forgotten Alabama’
Glenn Wills sees a side of Alabama that most of us give just a passing glance. He brought his view of the state to the Atmore Public Library Friday, February 16. Wills has published two books – Forgotten Alabama and More Forgotten Alabama. He travels the state and photographs the old signs, the abandoned churches, the once proud landmarks that now lie in ruins. As Wills showed his power point…
Enjoy some bluegrass, help a school
I’ve never met Jim Perry. Haven’t actually talked to him. We’ve communicated by email. Although I’ve never met Mr. Perry, I can tell I like him and I appreciate his enthusiasm. In his email, he asked us to help publicize an event that will benefit his school – he’s principal of Stapleton School in Baldwin County. The school is reviving an event that many of you would enjoy and some…
Pancakes and memories
The Trinity Episcopal Church Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, held Tuesday, February 13, was bitter-sweet. The pancake supper always provides a time of good food and fellowship, and this year’s event was no exception. But for those who knew Bob Goforth, something was missing this year. Bob, who was a fixture at the annual pancake supper, passed away in January. He was such an important part of the supper that it…