Don Fletcher

Sonic coming!
If Atmore’s mayor and city council members went home hungry after Monday’s meeting (January 23), there’s a good reason. The city’s governing body spent less than five minutes, including the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, on a two-item agenda, with both items involving food. First, the council voted unanimously (4-0) to authorize Mayor Jim Staff to “execute and deliver” a warranty deed to SDI Investments LLC, as assignee of Alabama…
YMCA fundraisers, new programs on tap
The Atmore Area YMCA is planning a fund-raiser to support existing and upcoming programs at the Y. Also, some new events and programs are planned, so check below and make plans to participate. Super Bowl Butts The Y is selling Boston Butts that could be the hit of your Super Bowl LI party. The pork shoulders, which will be cooked by David Amos, are selling for $30 each, with proceeds…
Thousand-plus enjoy annual MLK parade
An estimated crowd of more than 1,000 men, women and children were on hand Monday as Atmore paid tribute to slain Civil Rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with its annual MLK Day Parade, organized by Concerned Citizens of Atmore. The caravan of marchers, pickups pulling boats and decorated trailers, motorcycles, cars and other conveyances was cheered on as it progressed from its Houston Avery Park staging area, onto…
Think Through Math achievers
Students at A.C. Moore Elementary School participate in the Think Through Math curriculum, which allows students to work independently on their math skills and standards. All ACM students took a benchmark mathematics test at the beginning of the school year to begin their pathway. Four students have exceeded their initial goals in the Think Through Math program. They are Chloe Dawson, Charlino Johnson, Robert Smith, and Ronta Watson. Robert and…
A family affair
More than 100 people turned out Saturday, January 14, for the grand opening and ribbon cutting of Alabama Archery Academy, which is now doing business on North Main Street. The new business is a family affair, owned by Todd and Kris White and managed by their son, Cade White. Their daughter, Blakelee Hendrix, provides archery lessons, and their son-in-law, Will Hendrix, plays a key role in business operations. Saturday’s crowd…