Don Fletcher

Bid awarded for access road
Atmore City Council members swept through a two-item agenda in less than five minutes Monday (February 13), accepting a bid for construction of the industrial access road to the new Brown Precision factory and giving the green light to another parade. The council, short one member due to the illness of District 3’s Chris Walker, unanimously approved a resolution to accept the bid submitted by Grady Ralls & Sons to…
Grindle honored
United States Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Chris Fleming, at right, presents Atmore resident and U.S. Air Force veteran Mike Grindle with a certificate of appreciation in tribute to Grindle’s “military service to America and (for) advancing the universal hope of freedom and liberty for all,” as the local minister’s wife Barbara looks on. Grindle, who is now under the care of Homestead Hospice, was also presented with a lapel pin…
Children’s entertainer a hit at ACM
Dre Hilton imparts a positive message to youngsters when he performs at various schools, churches and youth organizations. But he is quick to point out that his young audiences are not the only ones who benefit from his shows. “The kids keep me young; they are such a blessing to me,” explained the 31-year-old entertainer, who sang, danced and otherwise charmed the children during a January 31 return engagement at…
Suspects nabbed
Two Tallahassee men were arrested last week in connection with the recent thefts of several vehicles in two states, including one that was taken from an Atmore dealership. According to booking information posted on the Leon County (Fla.) Jail’s website, Jaghee Anderson, 19, and his brother, 20-year-old Derrick Anderson, were arrested January 30. Each remained behind bars on Tuesday, under total bonds of $33,500 on four counts of grand theft…
64 apply for ECHS coaching position
There was no shortage of candidates seeking to fill the head football coach-athletic director vacancy at Escambia County High School. ECHS Principal Dennis Fuqua confirmed this week that a nationwide search for a new coach and AD has netted more than five dozen candidates from several states, including at least one who is currently employed by the county school system. He said he’s happy with the response. “We had 64…