Don Fletcher

New ambulance service in town
Atmore City Council members removed during their November 13 meeting the initial barrier to allowing a new ambulance service to set up shop here and begin operations inside the city and its police jurisdiction. The council approved a business license request from ASAP EMS-Ambulance, which currently provides emergency and non-emergency medical transport in Clarke and Monroe counties. ASAP’s Kevin Smith, who briefly addressed the council, said there were a few…
Atmore man, juvenile arrested – Incident occurred at Bay Minette Walmart
A 19-year-old Atmore man and a 17-year-old juvenile remained in the Baldwin County Correctional Center as midweek approached, charged with breaking into a truck at the Bay Minette Walmart and hitting the truck’s owner with a car door as they tried to make their getaway. The incident happened Sunday, November 12, about 10 p.m. According to a Mobile television station’s broadcast, Randall Ray Weaver of a Nathan Road address and…
City observes Veterans Day
The main focus of the belated Veterans Day observance held Monday (November 13) at Atmore City Hall was to pay the traditional homage to the men and women who have fought to ensure the continuation of the freedoms enjoyed in this country. But it also included a salute to the future. A color guard of youngsters from Boy Scouts Troop 26 posted the U.S. and state flags, and a group…
Atmore, Poarch to recycle
The city of Atmore, forced to close its recycling center in late October when the provider announced that it would raise its fees from $260 per month to $13,000 per month, has apparently found a solution to the problem. Mayor Jim Staff announced this week that the city had formed a partnership with Poarch Band of Creek Indians that will not only benefit the municipality and the tribe, but also…
Breakfast for veterans
Atmore Memorial VFW Auxiliary and Anchor Café teamed up November 10 to provide free breakfast for military veterans, the fifth straight year the auxiliary and restaurant have joined forces to do so. Auxiliary members who helped with the project included, from left, sitting, Becky Ray, Mary Alice Stewart and Jenny Hutto; standing, Ginger Stabler, Debbie Thornton, Stephanie Stewart, Willie Stewart, Arlene Delafosse and Gayle Johnson.