Don Fletcher

ECMS girls just missed matching boys’ perfect season
Although the Escambia County Middle School girls basketball team’s only setback during the 2017 season caused a mild degree of disappointment for first-year coach Kristan Wasdin, the overall performance of her scrappy team more than compensated for the loss. The Lady Eagles, who went 1-12 last year, reversed their fortunes and ran — sometimes wildly — past their opponents to wind up with a 12-1 mark that makes them one…
Firefighters contain mobile home blaze
Usually, when firefighters are dispatched to a mobile home fire, hopes of actually saving the fast-burning dwelling are not all that high. Their main points of focus are on making sure no one is still inside the structure and preventing the usually destructive blaze from spreading to adjoining structures. That wasn’t the case, though, on January 5, when Atmore firemen arrived around 1 p.m. at a single-wide Liberty Street house…
Sunday alcohol sales approved – Council action clears way for introduction in legislature
Barring any complications in the Alabama House, alcoholic beverages will soon be available in Atmore on Sunday. City council members approved Resolution 2018-01 by a 4-0 margin, clearing the way for a measure that Mayor Jim Staff said was long overdue. (District 4’s Susan Smith is recuperating from surgery and was unable to attend the January 8 meeting.) “This is piggy-backing on the state’s ‘brunch law’ (or “mimosa law”) regarding…
Work begins on ‘fish streets’ sewer rehab
Crews with Mississippi-based Suncoast Infrastructure have begun the task of rehabilitating the sewer system that serves Atmore’s “fish streets” and will soon be back in town to resume work on a project that could wind up costing nearly half a million dollars. “It will probably be another two or three months before we finish,” said Kenny Smith, general manager of West Escambia Utilities. “There will be times when you won’t…
Liberty St. mobile home damaged by fire
Atmore firefighters and police officers, along with Alabama Power technicians, were wrapping things up around 1:45 p.m. at the scene of a fire that significantly damaged a Liberty Street mobile home. The fire was reported around 1 p.m. AFD units responded to find thick smoke and some flames coming from the single-wide residence. Firefighters were able to contain the major fire damage to the bedroom where the blaze broke out,…