Don Fletcher

Pretrial diversion – A ‘second chance’ for many
Atmore Municipal Court officials will soon begin implementation of a new pretrial diversion program that will give most, but not all, non-violent offenders a chance to have their respective legal transgressions excluded from their permanent criminal record. The program allows imposition of certain conditions of behavior and conduct over a specific period of time that allow a qualified offender to have the charges against him or her “reduced, dismissed without…
Clay shoot to fund classroom technology at Perdido
Last year’s successful Perdido School PTO fundraiser generated more than $16,000 for a new athletics facility, and members of the parent-teacher group are anticipating a repeat of that success this year. The initial response indicates that the second annual Pull for Perdido Benefit Clay Shoot, which will take place Saturday, March 3, at Bushy Creek Clays, will easily match or even exceed last year’s numbers. Businesses and individuals have already…
ECMS students shine at statewide science fair
The stellar performance of Escambia County Middle School students in a statewide mathematics competition is apparently rubbing off on students who are proficient in other areas. Fifty of the school’s sixth-grade and eighth-grade students traveled to Birmingham for the February 10 Black History Month Science Fair and brought home trophies representing a first-place, a second-place and two third-place finishes in the statewide event. Students had to select an African-American scientist,…
Patriotic Employer Award – Johnson Ford supervisor honored
If Thomas Bailey had any concerns that his military obligation might jeopardize his job at Johnson Ford, he needn’t have. Bailey, who handles Internet Technology responsibilities for the local Ford dealer and is a sergeant in the Alabama National Guard, found out quickly that he had the complete support of his supervisor, Ben Odom, and company president Jim Johnson. That support, along with Bailey’s appreciation of it, was strong enough…
Council approves pretrial diversion program
Atmore City Council members tackled during their February 12 meeting a lengthy agenda that included two new city ordinances, including one geared toward those who commit minor legal infractions, as well as a resolution of opposition to proposed state legislation, issuance of a proclamation of support for an area non-profit and the granting of permission to hold two events on city property. The first ordinance approved by the council was…