Don Fletcher

ECMS students celebrate Black History Month
Escambia County Middle School students danced, recited poetry and sang several standards of the Civil Rights Movement during a February 27 assembly, “Rooted in the Past; Looking Toward the Future,” in celebration of Black History Month. More than 100 guests — including Escambia County Board of Education Chairman Willie Grissett Jr., Assistant Superintendent of Education Beth Drew, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor Amy Cabaniss and Elementary Curriculum Supervisor Sandra Reid — filed…
Just in case – Active shooter drill conducted at vacant school building
Local and area authorities hope the lessons reaffirmed in last week’s training exercise will never be used. But they want to be ready, just in case. Law enforcement officers from eight area agencies, along with two groups of local firefighters and crews from three emergency medical responders combined for an Active Shooter Refresher Course, held February 21 at the vacant A.C. Moore Elementary School building in Atmore. Chief Deputy Mike…
City recycling resumes soon
Atmore city officials announced this week that the municipal recycling program that was discontinued in late October will resume on Monday, March 12, but with several changes. The collection site has been relocated, new hours and new procedures have been put in place, and more items than before will be accepted. “We had to have two trailers built, and the mayor picked the second one up last Friday (Feb. 23),”…
Used cars statute not perfect, but fills void
City officials agree that Atmore’s new ordinance regulating used car sales and used car lots might not be perfect. But, they say, the city’s new set of rules and regulations governing the sale of previously owned vehicles provides a guide that previously didn’t exist. “We were just trying to clean up some things, trying to make it a little stronger,” said Mayor Jim Staff, who said the ordinance was a…
City council approves easement
Atmore City Council members approved two measures during their February 26 meeting that paved the way for the sale of a local motel. While both represent a long-term agreement, one will have a short life span. The council voted 4-0 to approve authorization of an easement and encroachment agreement that allows the hotel’s sign to occupy a few feet of city property on which it has stood for more than…